Gender Pay Gap Report

The information within this report collates data from Drift Bridge Garage Limited. The period assessed is 2023.

We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing the same job at Drift Bridge Garage Limited, dependant on department size. However; the greater proportion of men than women in senior roles creates a gender pay gap. The workforce is male orientated in common with many other businesses in the motor industry. We strive to encourage applications from female candidates to continually seek to redress this balance.

Pay and Bonus Gap

The gender pay gap is defined as the difference between the mean or median hourly rate of pay that male and female colleagues receive.

The mean pay gap is the difference between average hourly earnings / bonus of men and women. The median pay gap is the difference between midpoints in the ranges of hourly earnings / bonus of men and women.

Drift Bridge Garage Limited

Gender Pay Gap (Hourly Rate)

Mean Gender Pay Gap: 26.2%

Median Gender Pay Gap: 17.1%

Gender Bonus Gap

Mean Gender Bonus Gap: 19.3%

Median Gender Bonus Gap: 0.9%

Proportion of Colleagues Awarded a Bonus

This shows a percentage difference between the number of men and women being paid a bonus up to the snapshot date.

Drift Bridge Garage Limited

Proportion of Males with a Bonus: 64.0%

Proportion of Females with a Bonus: 55.1%

Pay Quartiles

The below illustrates the gender split when we order hourly rate of pay from highest to lowest and group into four quartiles.

Drift Bridge Garage Limited


Males %

Female %




Upper Middle



Lower Middle






We strive to encourage applications from all genders across all positions and continually seek to redress this balance.

I confirm the data reported is accurate.

On behalf of the Board of Directors by Philip Cue - Group Managing Director